Mashed Potatoes

This is a nice simple method of making mashed potatoes, a staple of any turkey dinner. Mashed potatoes should be one of the last dishes you make, since the potatoes will loose their fluffiness if left sitting too long. Using a food mill or ricer ensures the mashed potatoes will be smooth, but you can also use an electric mixer, a potato masher or even a fork, but these will take a little more elbow grease. Do not use a food processor. A food processor is very hard on the potatoes and will leave your potatoes with a gluey texture.


  • 2 pounds of potatoes, pealed and cut into large chunks
  • 6 tblsp of cream, half and half, milk or buttermilk
  • 3 tblsp of butter, unsalted

Steam, boil or microwave the potatoes until they are tender. Drain thoroughly and place the potatoes in a large heavy skillet or return to the pan and shake over a medium heat until the potatoes are mealy. Cover to keep hot while in a small pan over low heat you  heat the butter and cream (half and half, milk or buttermilk.) Cover and use a low heat making sure not to let the mixture boil.

Quickly puree or mash the hot potatoes working out every lump. Whip with a fork while carefully pouring in the hot milk and butter mixture. Take about 30 seconds to “Whip” the potatoes so they are nice and fluffy. Then stir in the salt and pepper to taste. Pour into your serving dish then top with 1-2 tblsp of soft butter.