Cooking Times High Heat

This method requires the turning of the turkey every 30 minutes or so, so it is best used with a smaller turkey. Pre-heat your oven to 425 degree’s F. Place your turkey in a roasting pan, without using a rack. Place the turkey so it’s resting on it’s side, it should have one leg facing up each time ti’s turned. If the turkey will not stay standing up use a ball of aluminum foil to help prop up the turkey. Baste all of the exposed areas of the turkey with the drippings. Roast for about 30 minutes, then turn and baste, and roast another 30 minutes. Turn and bast so that each side is on top at least twice, rotating every 30 minutes. On a small turkey, 12-15 pounds, this should take about 2 hours. Then turn the turkey breast side up and baste and cook until the instant thermometer reads 175 degree’s F in the thickest part of the thigh. The stuffing must register 160 degrees F to be safe to eat. If the turkey is done but the stuffing is not, remove the stuffing and finish cooking it in a buttered casserole dish while the turkey rests. Let the turkey rest for at least 20 minutes before carving.