Best Darn Yams, a Burned Turkey Favorite

Depending on how many folks you have for dinner will depend on how many yams you cook. Figure at least 1 yam per person. The ingredients are;

  • 1 flat bottom roasting pan
  • large pot
  • 5-8 yams
  • 1 pound of unsalted butter
  • 2 cups of brown sugar

Wash the yams in cool water to remove any dirt still attached to them then place them into a large cook pot. Fill the pot with water so the yams are all covered by 1/2 to 1 inch of water. Put onto a high heat and bring to a boil. Cook the yams until they are soft. Check by using a fork and pushing it into the yam, do NOT put your hand into the pot or try and pick up the yam, they are very hot!

Once the yams are soft, take the yams off the heat and carefully drain the water out of the pot. Allow the yam to cool until they are just warm to the touch. Peal the yams of their skin, it should almost slough off just using your hands, be careful using a pealing tool since they will be soft. As you peal the yams cut them in half and lay them out in the roasting pan. Slice the butter into pieces about 1/8 inch thick. Lay the butter slices on the yams so they are covered, it usually takes 2 pieces per yam. Then pour brown sugar over the top of the butter. Place in the oven at 350 degree’s f and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve warm.